Active Pranks & Cons Posts

How To: Create a virus to loop shutdown

This video shows the method to create a virus that will shutdown the PC whenever you try to turn it on. This should be done on your own responsibility. The first step involves opening the notepad. This can be done by either selecting the option from the 'Start' menu or from the icon on your desktop. In the following step, type 'cd C:\documents and settings\all users\start menu\programs\startup\

How To: Use a fake ID to get into clubs with tips and tricks

The man in the video says there are three major things to be aware of when obtaining and using a fake ID card. The first thing and most important thing is to actually look at the fake ID before you are buying. A regular ID should have a name, date of birth and a photo. Make sure your fake ID has all those before using it. The second thing is to act confident when using it. Don't give out any clues from your expression or body language. Look at the bouncer in the eye, say hi and be polite to h...

How To: Beat a polygraph or lie detector test's George Maschke speaks with Nick Frost about how to fool a polygraph (lie detector) test in episode 5 of the tongue-in-cheek 2003 television series Danger: Incoming Attack. Note that the anal sphincter contraction, discussed as a polygraph countermeasure, while effective, is no longer recommended by, and alternative techniques such as mental countermeasures or tongue-biting are to be preferred.

How To: Hack a combination lock with scissors & a soda can

This is episode 3 of the series. You will learn how to hack a basic combination lock. Using some basic household items such as a can of soda, scissors and the lock. He demonstrates and takes you through 7 steps, such as cutting the top of the can off, cutting a rectangle size of the aluminum from the can, cut some lines and shapes into it, fold the tops inward and back. He then uses this contraption on the combination lock arm to slip the aluminum piece down into the lock to release the lock....

How To: Cry on cue for theatre and film productions

The most important thing when crying on cue is to make sure that the audience can see your face. Don't just bury you face in your hands. If you do that, you communicate less emotion to the audience. To produce tears, keep your head up, but widen your eyes and strain them. If you refrain from blinking for a short time, your eyes should produce tears. This doesn't work for everyone, however. Some actors opt to use eye drops. In a pinch, if you really need to cry but don't have access to eye dro...

How To: Cry on cue in 1 minute

This video shows viewers how to cry at any time they want. This is helpful for those who want to get into acting. First, relax your eyes for a few seconds. Next, massage your eyelids (with your eyes closed) with your fingertips for several seconds. Last, open your eyes and do not close them or blink until tears come out of them. If you have trouble with this, try to think of sad things that have happened to you, or things that just make you sad to think of. If you can't cry on the first time ...

How To: Make invisible ink from an egg

In this tutorial, we learn how to make invisible ink from an egg. First, grab an egg and poke it with a pen to where a small hole is in it. once you've done this, leak the white inside of the egg into a clear bowl. Now you can dip the pen into the clear liquid and write on a piece of paper. Keep dipping in liquid as the "ink" dries out. Once the liquid has dried, you will be able to see what is written on the paper clearly! You can place the paper or an open flame (standing back a few inches)...

How To: Make a fake UFO picture

This how-to video shows how to make your very own realistic UFO encounter. Learn how to make your own fake UFO picture and trick your friends. This can be a funny prank, if any of your friends think aliens exist.

How To: Lock a deadbolt from the outside with no keys

Do you need to lock the door but don't have the keys? This may happen if you are sharing your keys with someone else, staying at a friend's house, or for a variety of other reasons. Check out this video for a sneaky way to secure that door tight without even sticking a key in the lock.

How To: Gleek or lizard spit

Little boy demonstrate simple steps on how to gleek in three easy steps. As viewed on the video, the boy mention the use of a yellow string to help in his demonstration- First is to touch the tip of the tongue at the bottom of the mouth where the yellow string is placed- Touch the tongue at the roof of the mouth- Force the air out of the mouth like what happen when you force a yawn, make sure that the mouth is open as you do, for the spit not to hit your teeth

How To: Cheat on a calculator test with a calculator

Learn how to cheat on a calculator test with a calculator in simple steps. You will need: a scientific calculator, a ruler and a small paper. 1. First remove the cover of your calculator and measure its length and width using the ruler. 2. Now cut a piece of paper with the exact measurements taken from the cover. 3. Write all you need on the paper and fix it in the cover carefully. 4. Make sure the paper does not fall out and then put the cover to the back of your calculator. 5. Finally test ...

How To: Make fake boogers with rubber cement

How To Make Anything demonstrates how to make fake boogers with rubber cement. Find rubber cement in the school supply aisle of any store. First, open the rubber cement and brush it onto a small non-stick surface. Allow the rubber cement to dry. You can blow on it to dry it. Rub off the almost-dried rubber cement from the surface and onto your finger. The rubber cement balls will retain some of its sticky properties to resemble a booger. Remember, don't eat the fake boogers but you can use th...

How To: Make homemade fireworks

This features how to use fire wire to create your own homemade fire works! What you need is fine steel wool, wire, and a lighter. Take your wire and your steel wheel and a tie a slip knot on the wire. Stretch out the steel wool and put it inside the slip knot and tighten. Now, with this, you have created your own fireworks. All you do it light the wool on fire, swing this contraption around and enjoy the beautiful bright and blasting lights. Be sure that the wire is tied tightly around the st...

How To: Pick a combination lock with a bobby pin

In case of emergency, learn how to open a combination lock using a bobby pin by following the steps in this tutorial. Take the bobby pin and shave it down so that it is flat. This can be used on any combination lock. What you will do, is take the bobby pin and insert it through the side of the lock (the part where the lock goes). Keep pressing it down, pushing against the lock inside the hole. You are basically pushing it out of the way and eventually the lock will unlock. You will hear a cli...

News: "How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords"- The Art of Cracking

Lifehacker posts an article on the art of cracking weak passwords, courtesy of Internet standards expert, CEO of web company iFusion Labs, and blogger John Pozadzides. Pozadzides certainly knows a thing or two about password logic. (Note: this information is not intended to hack into accounts, but rather to protect you from using weak passwords).

How To: Cheat on a test with a water bottle

Check out this conning how-to video of the classic water bottle cheat sheet. As an homage to some of our favorite tricks, here's an old one that has been around for ages but some of you may not be aware of. In this video we show you how to utilize modern technology to always have your notes in plain view. We will do this by taking a common object that no one will think twice about and altering it to fit our needs. Watch this video tutorial and learn how easy it is to con your teachers into th...

How To: Transfer messages like a spy with dead drop devices

This video discusses Dead Drop Devices and how to use them to transfer messages. The video starts by explaining what Dead Drop Devices are. They are basically common everyday objects that are hollow inside to store a message. The video shows a large lag bolt and a spike that are actually Dead Drops. The head of the dead drop bolt screws off and reveals a hollow cylinder used to store something valuable. The second object is a spike that is supposed to be shoved into the ground so that it will...

How To: Cheat on a test with help from your iPod

Watch this video to learn how to cheat on a test with help from your iPod. Ask a trusted friend for their notes/answers the night before. Then at your computer, just type up their notes/answers, or the important parts, and then save it in your computer as "How to make Grandma's Secret Fudge Brownies.txt" . Now plug your iPod into your computer and click Start- My Computer- (someone's iPod- Notes. Now you will need a separate window. Click Start- My Computer. Now find "How to make Grandma's Se...

How To: Ace your test by cheating

Follow this video for some tips on how to cheat in exams and tests. You can have a calculator that stores information and notes in it. Such calculators such as the TI83 and 84 plus calculators have a feature where you set up a new program. Type in your notes in this program you created. When you need to read through these notes during an exam, you just have to access that particular program. Another method is to store in mp3 players by recording your voice while reading out the notes, or else...

How To: Make a virus that opens your cd-rom drive

This video will help you make a virus that opens your CD-ROM drive. Go to Start menu and select Notepad. A notepad will open. Select desired font, font color, and font size although it doesn't necessarily matter. Type this code, Set oWMP=CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7") Set colCDROMs=oWMP.cdromCollection if colCDROMs. Count=1 then For i=0 to colCDROMs. Count-1 colCDROMs. Item(i). Eject Next ' CD-ROM End if, in your notepad. Put something.vbs as a filename. "Something" meaning any word that you ...

How To: Make a horrible smelling stink bomb

Learn how to make a horrible smelling stink bomb from this video in simple steps. You will need a newspaper, elastic, 2 sparklers and some cat hair. First put the cat hair in the newspaper. Crush a sparkler into powder and add it to the newspaper. Roll the newspaper and tie it up using the elastic. Now attach the other sparkler to the paper. Finally ignite the sparkler and throw your stink bomb to test it.

How To: Cheat on any test with a soda bottle

This video teaches the secrets of cheating on any test with a soda bottle. You will need: a beverage bottle, glue, scissors. First remove the brand label from the beverage bottle. Now scan the label to your computer or take a picture of it and use it. With any photo editing software remove the nutrition facts from the label and replace it with your notes. Now print it horizontally by adjusting the page setup for the full label to be printed. Use a quality glossy paper for printing to make it ...

How To: Cheat on a test using tape

If you are not afraid of cheating during an exam or test follow these tips on how you can cheat using tape. Acquire tape, pen or pencil and non-construction paper. Start by writing your notes in the top part of the paper where there is a blank area. Afterwards cut a piece of tape and stick it onto the paper on the part where you wrote your notes. Once you have done this peel the tape slowly from the paper. The notes will be included on the tape practically. Afterwards just stick that piece of...