Active Pranks & Cons Posts

How To: Prank the interviewer when you have a job interview

In today's economy, pranks like this are luxuries few can afford. But if you are lucky enough to find yourself interviewing for a job you don't want and don't have to take, try out some of the awesome prank techniques in this video! It will teach you a bunch of ways to mess with your interviewer. It's almost like a crank call delivered in person, and should amuse your and very much off-put your interviewer every time.

How To: Pull three pranks that you should never, ever do

Nobody likes it when a prank gets taken too far. Friendships are ruined, material possessions destroyed, even bodies broken. This video offers four perfect examples of pranks that go entirely too far and that you SHOULD NOT DO to your friends and neighbors. We're being serious, if only for a second. They involve killing your cat, possibly killing your friends, and erasing all of the computer data of your friends and family. Actually doing any or all of these things will probably lead to your ...

How To: Set up 3 different sign-based pranks

Three pranks, one video, a million annoyed victims! Welcome pranksters, watch on and learn! This video will teach you three easy sign-related pranks for general mischief. The first, the out-of-order sign prank. The second, the Please Pull Hard sign on the push door trick. Lastly, the classic broken LCD monitor trick. All simple, all easy, all hilarious. And you probably won't break anything expensive!

How To: Prank a coworker with an upside down full coffee cup

Office pranks have a long and distinguished history. You've probably seen this one before, but in case you haven't, this video will show you how to do the upside-down coffee cup prank. Simply take a full cup of coffee, place it on the desk of your victim, place a piece of paper flat on top, then carefully flip the cup onto the desk and remove the paper. The cup will be upside-down, full, on the desk. The only way to remove it is to soak oneself with coffee, as your victim will most likely do.

How To: Set up a faucet sprayer for a prank

This trick is really simple, as long as you have the necessary equipment to set it up. The main thing you need is a sink that has one of those dish sprayers that work automatically if they're being squeezed. Then, just wrap invisible tape around it to keep it engaged, and wait for your victim to try and use the sink. They're most likely in for a spray to the crotch.

How To: Change the startup sound on a computer to a loud noise for a prank

If you know someone who loves their computer and has a fear of being shot dead in a firefight, watch this video! It will show you a great prank to pull on just such a person. All you have to do is change the login sound on their computer to something terrifying, like gunshots, crank the volume, and wait for your victim to attempt to log on to their computer. Hilarity and fear will ensue.

How To: Prank someone with an ice cube drop in hot weather

Being based in sunny Los Angeles, we at Wonderhow are no strangers to heat. This prank was designed for use in hot areas, but we think it would be just as amusing if not more so somewhere cold. All you do is buy a lot of ice, locate or construct a platform over an entryway your victim often uses, put the ice and yourself up there, wait for them to arrive and dump it on them. It'll be cold, wet, and oh so surprising.

How To: Fake break in to someone's car for a prank

If you have a friend who always leaves their valuable possession out in their car, where anyone can see them and only need break into the car to take them, you owe this prank to them to teach them a lesson. Get some broken glass and a key to their car, wait until they're out of the car and have left their stuff there, then take the stuff, roll their window down, and leave the glass around the window. When they return, they'll think someone broke into their car and robbed it. Really, it was yo...

How To: Wake someone up with a firecracker prank

Firecrackers are one of the greatest noisemaking implements ever conceived, and have formed the basis of great pranks for generations. This video will show you how to pull arguably the most classic firecracker prank of all, the firecracker wakeup call. All you do is put firecrackers in a pot (for safety) near a sleeping person and light 'em off. Hilarious, but dangerous. Be careful, for Pete's sake.

How To: Prank your roommate who has ordered a new computer with a bigfoot costume

Ordering a new computer is a big event for most people, and waiting for it to arrive can be torturous. If someone close to you is waiting for a computer, why not help them make the experience even more memorable with this prank! All you need is a roommate or family member who has ordered a desktop computer, the box from a similar computer, a bigfoot suit and an air horn (both optional). Just wait until they're out, call them and let them know their computer has arrived, position the box, get ...

How To: Prank a friend who is working on a car

This prank is not for the faint of heart. It will hurt your victim a great deal, and likely make them want to visit the same fate upon you. But if you're really trying to find a prank that will make the day of your victim worse, and they like to work on cars, this prank is for you. All you do is wait till your victim is under a car working, then grab a hammer and...

How To: Pull a decoy trip wire and lotion-on-the-floor prank

Creating traps around the house to injure and amuse friends and roommates is one of the best and most common ways of performing a prank. In this video, you will learn how to turn one overused household prank as a decoy for a more insidious one. First, you stretch an obvious decoy trip wire across a part of your house with a hard floor, preferably tile. Then you grease (with butter, lotion...) the floor on the other side of the wire from where you expect your victim to enter. Then watch as the...

How To: Pull a tape measure toilet paper roll prank

When in repose upon the toilet, the last thing most people want is for something to jump out at them. And that is exactly what will happen to them if you pull this prank. It turns out that the actual tape from a tape measure is a great little prank tool, and in this video you'll learn how to attach one to a roll of toilet paper so that when your victim attempts to wipe, they will be attacked by tape and scared... witless. Yes, witless.

How To: Pull a collapsing bed prank with fishing line

A person's bed is their sacred place of rest, a place where they should theoretically be safe from pranks and shenanigans. Yeah right! This video will show you how to set up a great dorm-room or roommate prank where you remove the supports from their bed frame, replace them with fishing line that will only just support the mattress, then wait for them to return and try to lie down. Bam! Total collapse, total hilarity.

How To: Pull a three easy prank combo with a hot pocket, sink sprayer, and vodka

We've all heard that death comes in threes. In our tireless hours of prank research here at Wonderhowto, we've observed that pranks often do as well. By stringing three simple pranks together, you can achieve all of the annoyance and laughter of a much more elaborate / expensive / dangerous prank. In this video, you will learn how to set up one combination prank that requires only simple things:

How To: Pull three fun computer pranks on n00bs, PC or Mac

The personal computer is a strange and powerful entity, capable of bringing great joy. Just as often, you probably want to chuck the damn thing at the wall because it doesn't work right. If you want to pull a prank on a friend that will really upset them, messing with their computer is one of the best ways to do it. This hilarious video will show you how to do three great PC pranks quickly and easily, including changing the contrast on the monitor and pretending to edit websites using Javascr...

How To: Pull three great pranks on your friends: 1 computer, 1 string, 1 shower

One prank doesn't have a terribly long lifespan usually. You do it once to one of your friends, they tell everyone else, pretty soon your friends see that prank coming a mile away when you try to pull it again. Why not stock up? This video will show you how to pull three diverse, great pranks. First, the food-coloring-in-the-showerhead trick. Second, the living room string labyrinth. Third, the old broken PC desktop trick. Pull all three on someone in rapid succession for bonus score!

How To: Prank your friends into thinking their computer has had a major DOS error

DOS may be a distant memory for most computer users at this point, but for many it will always be the first thing that pops into their head when they ponder PC computing. Nowadays, the only time most people see anything that even looks like DOS is if they're playing old PC games in a shell or something has gone very, very wrong with their computer. With this prank, you can make your friend believe that the latter has happened to them! All you do is open the DOS command program (Windows XP or ...

How To: Trick someone into thinking their LCD monitor is broken

For many young people, their computer is the most expensive and cherished thing that they own. If you want to pull a prank of them, why not hit them where it hurts? This video presents a novel idea for a computer prank: loading an image of a cracked LCD screen full-screen on their monitor and unplugging their keyboard and mouse. When your victim returns to their computer, it will seem very convincingly broken.

How To: Drive your friends crazy with a fishing pole prank

When you're out fishing, you're probably more concerned with just hanging out with your buddies and having a good time than your are with actually catching any fish. But if you've got one person in your group who takes the actually fishing element of fishing (the boring part) waaaaaay too seriously, try pulling this prank on them! They do have to have a long pole, but if they do all you have to do is quickly tap the end of their pole, which should wiggle it enough to make them think they have...

How To: Use magnets to stick things to the roof of someone's car for a prank

The prank is one of the most cherished traditional forms of expression around the world, from Japan to the Middle East to the good ol' US of A. Without them, how would people settle their disputes with one another while having a good laugh at the same time? Every time a new phenomenon enters our lives, new pranks emerge that can be performed with it. We at Wonderhowto love pranks as much as anybody, and to that end we've scoured the internet for videos demonstrating the proper setup and execu...