Pull the classic saran wrapped toilet pank. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...
Do your roommates constantly steal your toothpaste? Give them a surprise - by filling the tube halfway with toothpaste (you can add food coloring to make the evidence more clear), some baking soda an ...
Get the Opazity plugin from www.opazity.com. Now you can make someon's PowerPoint presentation blurry. ...
Prank your kitchen sink by rigging the spray faucet to spray anyone that turns the sink on. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...
Some tricks which you can play to your coworkers in the office including: turning Windows on to high contrast mode, creating a fake desktop, and pulling a fake delete prank. ...
Here is a simple trick you can play on your friends by pressing only 3 keys. Set Windows to High Contrast mode and ugly up someone's desktop. ...
By putting some baking soda in with the ketchup you can prank someone by making the ketchup bottle spray everywhere once it's opened. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...
Make a prank ketchup bottle that will squirt out string that looks like fake ketchup. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...
Use clear plastic wrap to create a barrier between the door and the wrap. Then fill the inner partition to the max with backing peanuts! You can get these easily in huge trash bags from the Barnes & ...