Make a secret container safe from a bottle of car wax and other house hold tools. ...
Watch this video to learn how to mess with your friends and coworkers. ...
This video teaches you how to pick a lock using only a tweezer from a swiss army knife and a safety pin. Only use this information for proving that you're cooler than your other friends. ...
Even though I am not the best locksmith in the world, the four-digit #175 model Master Lock is so easy to pick that all the hardened steel in the world isn't going to protect your belongings. ...
Ever wanted to be just like MacGayver. Well, you can't. And he's not real. But take some consolation in this how-to video. It is really easy to use a Swiss Army knife to open some padlocks. Just i ...
An in-depth how-to video of flattening pennies or other coins on a train track. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...
Heres a fun trick you can do at any restaurant. If you can find a straw you can make it explode or pop. Scare your friends! Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks! ...
This video shows you how to make an elevator go directly to your floor while skipping all other floors. ...
Here is a video that teaches you how to make an elevator skip floors and go to your floor first, just by holding down the close door button, and the button to your floor. ...
This video shows you a trick you can use in an elevator to avoid stopping at other floors. Note- You don't have to hold down the floor number also. All you have to really do is press the floor number ...