Have a number based combination lock but you have forgotten to combination? This how-to video will show you how to crack your number based combination lock in only 8 seconds. Follow along with the ste ...
Check out this how-to video to make your urine glow under black light. Freak out your friends with your radioactive pee! To make your urine glow, make sure you take the proper amount of vitamin b co ...
Justin Heimberg demonstrates a few of the best ways to prank people using your cell phone. Watch this how-to video to baffle random passersby using only your cell, especially if you have headphones a ...
If you're a regular gym-goer, you see a lot of strange things and people. Perhaps you've even seen someone pulling one of these pranks and wondered, "Why is this guy giving me a spot yelling about the ...
When a new roommate moves into a house, there's usually a transitional period before everyone feels comfortable with each other. This is always hardest for the new guy, and if you have someone new in ...
Turn a household item into an awesome hiding spot in just minutes! This video tutorial will show you how easy it is to make a peanut butter safe. Just make a hole in peanut butter jar, put a plastic c ...
Want to control a friend's cell phone remotely and make "free" calls from it? In this hack how-to video, you'll learn how to hack Bluetooth-enabled cell phones with your Sony Ericsson or Nokia phone a ...
Going up? This video will teach you how to hack an elevator, making it go directly to the desired floor without stopping. If you're ever in a hurry or, heaven forbid, a genuine emergency and need to g ...
The Diet Coke and Mentos Explosion prank is one of those classic pranks that everyone should experience at some point. When combined the Diet Cola and Mentos become volatile, basting your victim in st ...
Forgot or lost the combination to a suitcase? Instead of prying open or picking the lock of a basic combination pad, find the numbers and recover the combination without ruining the lock with the tric ...