When one thinks of a food buffet, they think "all you can eat". But there's a way to make that saying mean what so many people wish… "all you can eat… whenever". That's right. If you have the guts, ...
Learn to make an easy, winnable bet with a glass of water by watching this video tutorial. First, take a piece of cloth and set it on a table, preferably one that you have bottom side access to, then ...
Want to scare the socks off your friend? Give them a bloody finger in a box for a gift... your bloody finger! To complete this prank you will need a small jewelry box, a cotton base, scissors, and ket ...
Looking to annoy the heck out of someone you dislike? Why not spam their phone a hundred times with a "text bomb" or "SMS bomb"? In this video, learn how to send an SMS bomb by downloading this link. ...
Blog Your Office and PA has compiled a list of ten telephone crank calls that range from giggle inducing to slightly uncomfortable to uh, somewhat... depressing. Click through to hear 'em all. Image ...
Nextraker is the king of all pranks, especially styrofoam cup pranks. In this video, see how to create a prank that will leave your victims wet and totally embarrassed! Simplicity is the key to any ...
This video shows you how to make a prank toy called "The Evasive Beeping Thing."You will need: a 555 timer, a couple of 3904 transistors, a couple of capacitors, some resistors, a 9-volt battery clip ...
Lockpickers, school yourself. The incredibly prolific, woodworking whiz Matthias Wandel demonstrates the inner workings of a combination lock with his wooden mechanical model. "In terms of neat mecha ...
Write a secret message with invisible ink using these simple household items. Step 1: Put lemon juice in bowl Put the lemon juice in a bowl and dip your cotton swab in the lemon juice. TIP: Using milk ...