The following are 5 Simple household pranks you can pull off on friends and family this upcoming April Fools' Day! All the material needed you already have at home so lets get started! Check out the v ...
If you're looking to pull off a great prank for Halloween, this next tutorial will show you a classic prank. It involves using a candy dish and your hand. Basically, you'll cut out a hole in the candy ...
Here is a great way to get more bang out of a glitter bomb. By adding a spring to the packet the glitter gets thrown forwards instead of dropping out the bottom of the card. What You Will NeedGreeting ...
Uh, oh. You're at your front door without a key. If you've got a credit card, see if you can get it to open the door before you use it to pay for a locksmith. Learn how to unlock a door with a credit ...
Ok first of all I m a dude don t know why my phone says I m this girl. Probably because she went on Facebook with my phone some time ago. Anyway I wanted some advice on pranking some girls we re spend ...
As the title states, the following are 5 simple household pranks you can set up on friends and family members. Not many supplies needed, just a few that you most likely already posses! ...
Check out this insane snowball prank. The snowballs were really just crumpled peices of paper! Please share this video with family and friends! ...
This is a compilation of homemade pranks you can pull off on friends and family members using simple everyday household items. They're very funny and make great April Fools Day Practical jokes! ...
Basically you're going to take a can of your victim's favorite canned snack and remove the label. You'll place it back on but upside down so that the tab is now underneath. The end result will frustra ...