Whether it's moles or locks, there are all sorts of unpleasant things that can be removed by freezing them. This video will teach you how to freeze the lock off of a toolbox using plain old compressed ...
Street performers don't get a lot of respect from the establishment, it is a great way to hone your skills at magic and other performing arts. This video will give you tips on working a crowd and othe ...
How these kids got to do those for a school project is beyond me. Must be the education system these days. Anyway, this video features some charming youths teaching you how to do a simple prank involv ...
This video will teach you how to do pull an easy prank on someone whose dresser drawer you have access to. The only caveats are that you have to not mind poking holes in their dresser and breaking wha ...
If your preferred means of showing that you're smarter than others is to trick them with elaborate and tedious puzzles, then Brian Brushwood is your man. This video will teach you two easy bar tricks ...
This has got to be one of the all-time easiest pranks to set up. All you need is string, some sort of messy material like dog food, and a closet door. As we said, perhaps the easiest prank short of tr ...
After you've tried out Nextraker's pillow prank, move onto the medicine cabinet with this deodorant stick prank. All you need is your victim's stick of deodorant (white) and some Kool-Aid (or in this ...
Nextraker has another great prank for you to pull at home— the pillow prank. You'll need the plastic bag from a loaf of bread and some shaving cream. Just fill the plastic sandwich bag up with shaving ...
Ace every test with this clever cheat. It's an unpredictable way to cheat on a test… unless… you have never worn elastic wristbands in your entire life. Maybe, before you try out this test-cheating me ...
Depending on how well your T-shirt design is, you may never get caught cheating on your exams! The more words you throw on your shirt, the less likely any one would notice they're not just any ol' wor ...